New confocal Raman microscope installed at 2MILab

A new Witec Alpha 300 confocal Raman microscope partly funded by KTH was installed this week at 2MILab. Professor Eric Tyrode, responsible for the purchase is pictured here with representatives from Witec and Kimmy Photonics. This powerful instrument features 3 … Read More

2MILab acquires Cryo-ultramicrotome

2MILab has acquired a Leica EM FC7 Cryo-ultramicrotome for preparation of high quality ultrathin (down to 10s of nm) sections of all sorts of materials from biological tissue to wood, inorganic materials or metals! Please contact 2MILab if you are … Read More

User training on Thermo Fisher Apreo 2s SEM-EDS

Dr. Anastasia Riazanova from the Department of Fiber and Polymer Technology at KTH holding a one-day training session for new users of the recently installed Thermo Fisher Apreo 2s SEM-EDS system with ChemiSEM! Please contact 2MILab if you would like … Read More

XPS available for sample submission and user operation

The Kratos Axis Supra+ system installed at 2MILab in March of 2023 has been generating interesting results on systems ranging from wood templated nanocomposites, new types of solar cells, and recycled magnets. After recent applications training by Dr. Liam Soomary, … Read More

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