New Witec Scanning Confocal Raman Microscope installed at 2MILab!

New confocal Raman microscope installed at 2MILab

A new Witec Alpha 300 confocal Raman microscope partly funded by KTH was installed this week at 2MILab. Professor Eric Tyrode, responsible for the purchase is pictured here with representatives from Witec and Kimmy Photonics. This powerful instrument features 3 lasers and two spectrometers to cover the full range of Raman emissions. It is a flexible technique that can be applied to all sorts of samples, both in dry and wet states. With the 100x objective, lateral resolution of 200nm can be obtained. The precision vertical stage allows detailed 3-d mapping to be performed.

For more information about the instrument, please see the manufacturers website here.

For more information, access and training, please contact 2MILab!